Verification Without Verification Authorization
- Validate the certificate’s authenticity
- Verify the signature on the certificate
- Verify the certification program on our list
- Verify that we have issued a specific type of certification on a specific day
- Verify the authenticity of our seal
- Verify Individuals and companies listed in our public directory if in good standing
- With certification number, issue date, name on the certification, and area certified verify good standing.
Verification With Verification Authorization
- Validate the certificate’s authenticity
- Verify the signature on the certificate
- Verify the certification program on our list
- Verify that we have issued a specific type of certification on a specific day
- Verify the authenticity of our seal
- Verify Individuals and companies listed in our public directory if in good standing
- Validate certification upon verification of name, number, and date issues.
- Send validation and a letter of good standing email.