
Offering ministry certification to ministry professionals who are wanting to demonstrate mastery, knowledge, skills, and experience.

Who We Are

5-Fold National Certification Board is bridging the gap in ministry through the preparation and certification of eligible graduates and professionals seeking to certify their knowledge and experience within a specific area of ministry.

Preparation and Authentication

5FNCB philosophy is that when preparation meets authentication the result is certification. Offering candidates, the opportunity to prepare and authenticate their knowledge in different areas of ministry by sitting a knowledge-based exam that focuses on four primary areas. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to edify laborers in the Kingdom of Christ through authentication and certification across several ministry vocations.


Getting professionally certified in ministry is a great way to demonstarte your commitment to serve in the kingdom.

Why Should I Get Certified?

Certification as a ministry professional set you apart from the rest. The scripture says “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashame, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, KJV, 1996). Certification is a great way to honor this scripture in its entirety. You would display “thyself” approved unto God, certification also certifies that you are a workman in the kingdom, a professional in your area of Call. Taking this leap will also demonstrate that you are not ashamed of who you are and your level of expertise and gifts in this area, and finally; it’s the ultimate way to demonstrate you know the true word of God and you are rightfully dividing it.

Why Choose 5-Fold National Certification Board.

5-Fold National Certification Board is owned and operated by one of the leading faith-based educators when it comes to uncompromising kingdom teaching. Emet Global Education Group makes it easy for students and the certified to grow and improve in ministry through multiple channels and resources that fall under the Emet brand.